The 3 Stages of Adolescent Development
Parent, did you know there are 3️⃣ stages of Adolescence?
The 3️⃣ stages of adolescence are an important framework for understanding teenage development. Each stage is guided by physical, cognitive and emotional changes.
The 3️⃣ stages include early adolescence (ages 11 to14), middle adolescence (ages 15 to 17) and late adolescence (ages 18 to 21). Understanding these stages of development helps to support young people and to provide appropriate guidance, structure and opportunities for growth.
💎 Ages 10 to 14: Early Adolescence
* Puberty for many begin at this stage of adolescence.
* Body changes during early adolescence may include developing hair under the arms and in the pubic area, testicular enlargement in males, and breast development in females.
* Pre-teens and teens begin to assert more independence as they move through the stages of adolescence. This means they may rebel, especially when parents reinforce rules and set limits.
💎 Ages 15 to 17: Middle Adolescence
* Physical changes in females may have slowed down or finished, but by this age most will start having regular menstrual periods.
* Most males will have started their pubescent growth spurt
* Male’s voices begin to lower and there may be a period where the voice cracks.
* Acne develops in both males and females.
* Teens of this age start feeling interested in romantic and sexual relationships.
💎 Ages 18 to 21: Late Adolescence
* Young people in this age range usually have better impulse control and decision-making skills than in middle adolescence.
* Independence increases as many young adults separate from their parents to live outside their childhood homes.
* Established relationships with parents, siblings, and other family members may change in nature now that adulthood has nearly been reached.
Can you think of any other changes that take place during adolescence? Leave a comment below. 👇
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