Saving Our Youth
“Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.” – Yahusha HáMashiach (Jesus Christ)/ The Great Commission
One day during a conversation with one of my beautiful brothers who is a Gang Reconciliation Specialist, he says to me with a heavy heart, “Jay I feel God wants me to change my method. I believe He wants me to lead the youth I help to Him.” My heart was blessed by his statement and I replied, “Brother, we have more resources than ever for our youth, and yes we are seeing some results, but as a whole the needle isn’t moving.” I continue, “We can only walk with our youth so many hours of the day, but God’s Spirit, Ruach HáKodesh (the Holy Spirit) is Omnipresent and will be with them always (John 14:16). Our youth need Ruach HáKodesh, and the only way to get Him is through salvation in Yahusha HáMashiach (Jesus Christ). Our youth need to be saved.
After our conversation, I prayed for the LORD’s will to be done in brother’s life and then pondered the hashtag the LORD gave me #SavingBoys. At the time of its inception I had no idea that hashtag would be the foundation of for my mission to teach, train and transform boys before the world does. It encouraged me to know that my mission aligned with the Great Commission so that I would not only be in God’s will but also have access to His transformational power.
Countless people ask me how do I get 6 year old boys who clearly have lack of focus and hyperactivity issues to sit still? How do I get boys to improve their grade point average one letter grade without academic tutoring? How do I get boys to overcome the emotions to succeed in life? I reply “I don’t but He (Yahusha) does, I just allow Him to use me.” See as a servant of the Most High, I pray that my brothers and sisters who profess to be the same will never deviate from Yahusha’s last commandment; to go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Many fear this will put in jeopardy their state and federal funding but this is a fear sown in their minds and hearts by the evil one.
As followers of the Most High, Yahusha taught us to never violate the laws of the land (Mark 12:14-17). So we are to facilitate programming as agreed upon in our funding or grants, which still helps our children. However after programming ends, let discipleship begin via relationship, not religion (i.e. rituals, unbiblical traditions, easy believism, etc.).
Discipleship does not come through programming or religion, but relationship. Yahusha died and rose on the third day to destroy religion so that we His servants, and the youth we serve could have a relationship with Him. Sadly in today’s society, our youth are bombarded via the mass media with evil and demonic conspiracies, but are deficit of righteousness and godly truth. Our youth are scared and have lost hope in the four walled facility inaccurately called “the church”. They need the real church 1 Pet 2:5), God’s people to save them (Psalm 82:3-5 & James 5:20) and then teach them how to fight the real enemy (Eph 6:12). Only then do I believe that we who labor in the fields of mentoring and youth development will finally see the needle move in the natural and the spiritual.
Jason Wilson
Shärath/CEO The CATTA
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