Emotional Release & Rest for Men
Since our second video went viral globally, I’ve received literally hundreds of emails, messages and calls from men across the world who are hurting from not being able to say they are hurting. My BMe Community brother Odis Bellinger was accurate when he stated, “Men are in need of an emotional enema.” Yes we are warriors, but we are also human beings. To tell a man that crying is a sign of weakness, is to tell a man that he is not human and has no feelings. Unfortunately many are unaware that it’s been scientifically proven that unlike reflex tears that are 98% water, emotional tears also contain stress hormones which get exerted from the body through crying. One University of Michigan study reveal that men commit suicide at a higher rate than women, and in American 9 out of 10 supercentenarian (i.e. people who live pass 100 yrs) are women. So my brothers, until we release the lie that “real men don’t cry”, we will continue to see real men die. Please take time to watch this video of a workshop I facilitated entitled “Emotional Release & Rest for Men.” I pray it not only enlightens you but also encourages you.
Shalom Aleichem,
Jason Wilson
The Cave of Adullam
Love Is Together—Forever!
Men: We must never allow our fear of being inadequate, stop us from marrying the woman who can help us become whole! I’m so thankful I allowed my wife and I to get it together—together. Now our love is together—forever!
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When all is lost, know that hope is on the way.
As I told The Cave of Adullam recruit in this video—don’t be distracted by the distractions—focus on solving the problem!
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I never thought I’d be sharing my story publicly, but if that means I can help someone through their journey, it’s worth it.
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Celebrate academic achievement! #SavingBoys
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The Yunion has the BEST STAFF AND VOLUNTEERS EVER! We had a blast celebrating them at our annual Staff and Volunteer Appreciation Day!
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Today my family planned to start our staycation and tonight is our nonprofit The Yunion’s annual Staff & Volunteer Appreciation Day and we were all meeting up for dinner. Unfortunately the alarm system on our newly acquired building was not functioning properly, so I had to stay here until “help” arrived.
My brothers: When we cannot receive love and affirmation from each other—we will never be able to attain the healing we so desperately desire. Living in a state of heartache, wearies the soul and takes the life out of living. I know this pain so well, which is why I #CryLikeAMan daily until we can collectively heal and be whole.
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As many of you know, it took two years for our nonprofit The Yunion to fundraise enough money to purchase a 15,000 sft building to expand The Cave of Adullam and our other life changing programs.
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The path to healing isn’t easy—comprehensive manhood requires courageous transparency. As long as we are more concerned about our image, the pain will always stay within—suppressing what we really feel and who we really are.
Read MoreIyanla Vanzant used CryLikeAMan Book
I was humbled when Iyanla Vanzant used my book #CryLikeAMan as a resource on her show, but tonight I was encouraged by her words and blessed by her presence! Thank you Iyanla!
“The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers it.”
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“Hold up… you said The Yunion is coming out with another film???”
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Happy Birthday to our founder Shärath Jason Wilson! Thank you for your unyielding sacrifice and commitment to #SavingBoys!
Read MoreWords Of A Wise Elder
One of my friends sent me this video and I was so blessed hearing the words of a wise elder regarding his thoughts after reading #CryLikeAMan.
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