Emotional Release & Rest for Men
Since our second video went viral globally, I’ve received literally hundreds of emails, messages and calls from men across the world who are hurting from not being able to say they are hurting. My BMe Community brother Odis Bellinger was accurate when he stated, “Men are in need of an emotional enema.” Yes we are warriors, but we are also human beings. To tell a man that crying is a sign of weakness, is to tell a man that he is not human and has no feelings. Unfortunately many are unaware that it’s been scientifically proven that unlike reflex tears that are 98% water, emotional tears also contain stress hormones which get exerted from the body through crying. One University of Michigan study reveal that men commit suicide at a higher rate than women, and in American 9 out of 10 supercentenarian (i.e. people who live pass 100 yrs) are women. So my brothers, until we release the lie that “real men don’t cry”, we will continue to see real men die. Please take time to watch this video of a workshop I facilitated entitled “Emotional Release & Rest for Men.” I pray it not only enlightens you but also encourages you.
Shalom Aleichem,
Jason Wilson
The Cave of Adullam
Staff Break Room
Our staff break room is almost finished—God is so good!
Read MoreHe Knows And Understand
Trust me—He knows and understands, so don’t fret.
Read MoreNever Be Discouraged
“I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me.” – Rev 3:8
Father’s—just because you’re not in your son’s home, doesn’t mean you can’t be in his life! Please learn how to #CryLikeAMan so that you can release the toxic emotions and trauma preventing you from being the father he needs.
Read MorePeace Be Still
“My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, “Where is your God?”
Read MoreSafe Space
This is where the battle begins and is won, for it’s written, “But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me.”- Romans 7:23
Read MoreOne day all men will break free from emotional incarceration
“Sometimes instead of holding back certain things, we should just do. We take stuff for granted… like I don’t talk to you guys as much as I need to.”
Read MoreKobe’s Legacy: Fatherhood
For it is written, “Behold, children are a gift of the LORD… Like arrows in the hands of a warrior… how joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!”
Read MoreAnswering the Call
For decades, I ran from the Most High’s calling for my life—this morning I’m thankful I answered it—He is the reason I live, move and exist (Acts 17:28).
Read MoreInspiring Men at the Ren Gen Summit
It was an honor to be used by the Most High to inspire men at the Ren Gen Summit to break free from emotional incarceration! Every man was given a copy of #CryLikeAMan and I was blessed to hear their hearts as I signed many of their copies.
Read MoreI Feel Sorry For People Who Can’t Say “Sorry”
My life completely changed when I stopped blaming others, the devil, and even God for the things in my life that never seemed to change.
Read MoreGreat job dad!
I love the way this father ruled his emotions so that he wouldn’t hurt his son for making a mistake! Great job dad!
Read MoreStaff First Tour In Our New Building
Our staff got their first tour of our new building—we will be moving in soon!
Read MoreI’m down to serve but I refused to be used
I’m down to serve but I refused to be used.
If you have studied body language, in this interview you can see that Dr. King was indignant by this reporter’s inept question.
Read MoreTransparency Transforms If We Allow It
Transparency transforms if we allow it.
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