Chris promoted to Sharäth
The worse thing a visionary leader can do is not have a plan for succession—I refused to fail in this area. The Cave of Adullam has always been bigger than me, and it couldn’t die with me. So in 2010 I prayed for an “Elisha”—the Most High sent me Chris—and he never left the Cave’s ministry. Chris’ unwavering sacrifice, commitment and faithfulness to the Most High’s mission for #SavingBoys has proven him worthy of YAH‘s highest rank—a servant. So with honor, I promoted Chris to Sharäth (Servant) in the presence of the tribe who has witnessed his spiritual growth and leadership. May the Most High continue to train Chris’ hands and feet for battle and his heart for service!
We are honored to partner with the United Way of Southeastern Michigan in working tirelessly to help youth and families access critical resources during the COVID-19 crisis!
Read MoreQuarantined With His Thoughts
Too many good men have faked it in the world so long, that they can’t even be transparent with themselves.
Read MoreVirtual Programs
We are happy to announce that the Yunion has launched our S.W.A.G., Pitch U, Standing in the Gap, STEM Drone, and Citi Camp mentoring programs virtually.
Read MoreFind Someone Willing To Grow With You
I experienced the most depression when I tried to fit into friendships that compromised who I really was.
Read MorePowerful!
It’s quite ironic that as I was reading this, I tried to hide my tears at coffee shops, the break rooms at work, and in my car in between shifts. This one broke me. It reminded me of many details in my life that determined the course of my personality: my actions, choices, and REactions.
Men—just because you’re scared, it doesn’t mean you’re not strong!
Read MoreTest-run For Our Virtual Training
During these unprecedented and traumatic times, it’s imperative that we improvise!
Read MoreThank You billheincockofficial
Thank you @billheincockofficial for tagging me, this blessed my morning! May you always be able to release, reflect and reset…
Read MoreDifference Between Alone and Lonely
Sometimes you have to start alone, what the Most High is calling you to do to help others finish strong!
This is how it all started—up early, training alone and praying as the Most High teaches me how to feed and train His sheep. This virtual training curriculum will open opportunities for more boys to be taught, trained and transformed.
Read MoreThis Is A Reality
Our founder/CEO Jason Wilson is diligently working with our webmaster JDWeb Solutions to complete the virtual training for The Cave of Adullam!
Read MoreWe Are So Proud Of You Mathias
Congrats to our beloved Mathias for placing 2nd place in the Michigan Regional History Bee finals!!!
Read MoreWomen & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
The Yunion’s Standing in the Gap HIV Prevention Program serves girls and women that are at most risk for contracting HIV with evidence based prevention education, counseling, and testing services.
Read MoreThe Fulfilled Promise
Salute Israel Adesanya!
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