A Year of Tears & Cheers: A Reconfirmation of My Calling
This morning as I meditated, God’s Spirit took me back to the years when I ran from His calling, to when I first answered His call (1990-1997). Although He confirmed through dreams, visions, His word and my fruit that He wanted me to be His voice in “the streets”, I struggled for years thinking I was to be a traditional pastor in a “church”. Well this year, the LORD drew me away from my church family, the crowds and professional pursuits, so that I could only hear His voice; and what a year to do so. 2016 has by far been the most emotionally erratic year of my life, but the LORD needed to prove to me once and for all, that only He is my Rock, my help and my salvation; and it’s only by His grace that I live, move and exist.
In January, I watched my 3 year old great niece get taken off life support. In February, I almost had a heart attack. I had to radically change my diet to vegan and cease physical exertion for remainder of the year. In March, hospice begins administering morphine to my mother. In April, my beloved mother transitions to heaven. In May, I receive the President’s Volunteer Service Award and was honored to lead a powerful men’s session at BMe National Conference. In June, the Cave of Adullam Transformational Training Academy’s (CATTA) first video goes viral garnering national attention. In July, I’m unfairly verbally attacked by a religious leader. In August, the Cave of Adullam’s second video goes viral garnering worldwide attention and I receive calls from the Ellen Degeneres, Steve Harvey and Dr. Oz Show. In September, we raised over $41k for the CATTA and we were featured in a full page spread in the Detroit News. Later that month, my segment on Dr. Oz airs. In October, I release my first book and weeks later I’m invited to the White House for President Obama’s MBK Showcase. In November, I am given a $2,500 puppy that I’ve always wanted, but two weeks later, I had to giveaway the puppy I always wanted. In December, the writers of NBC’s popular series ‘This Is Us’ airs an episode using the CATTA’s Initiation Tradition and my likeness without permission or acknowledgment.
Like many of you, I’ve experienced emotional trauma, physical setbacks and spiritual victories this year. Although I’ve only been to my church thrice this year, I’ve been intimately walking with the LORD throughout the year, and He has clearly shown He was with me. Halleluyah! This year was truly a beautiful lesson on God’s grace and a reminder that it’s better to obey than sacrifice His initial call on my life. I was never meant to be a shepherd inside the four walls of a building, but a light to the four corners of the earth (via mass media). I see this clearly now. I pray this encourages you who are in need of encouragement. Trials do not destroy us, but they purge away what’s in us that hinders the LORD from using us.
Shalom Ahave (Peace & Love)
Jason Wilson
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